Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

When we experience a trauma, our ability to deal with stress can be thrown out of whack. The experience is stored in our consciousness in such a way that it is difficult to make use of our usual and otherwise well-functioning processing ability.
Even if we know that the traumatic event happened back in time, it can be difficult to think about the trauma without the feelings and memories becoming overwhelming. The reactions linked to the memories can be just as strong as the reactions linked to the event itself.
In trauma-focused forms of therapy such as EMDR, you work directly with memories. EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing and is particularly suitable for overwhelmingly negative emotional reactions. In EMDR a combination of relaxation techniques and focusing on the memories is used to speed up recovery and reduce the intensity of reactions. In addition, EMDR integrates the use of various forms of brain stimulation such as flashing lights and/or sounds. In this way, it is easier for the brain to get more distance from phobic reactions, increased flexibility in mental images and access to other emotions. For a good demonstration of what EMDR entails, NRK has made a great episode which is available on their website, the clip starts from 16min 50sec.https://tv.nrk.no/serie/sinnssykt/sesong/1/episode/4/avspiller
EMDR is also used to help people deal with anxiety, depression, persistent grief reactions, reactions to physical illnesses, and many other conditions that are associated with strong emotions. At Psycholysis, you can get this type of trauma therapy in Oslo atBear.
Before the treatment, it may be a good idea to think through what you yourself want with the treatment, and what your goal is. If you manage to make some small changes in a positive direction during the waiting period, it is valuable. This could, for example, involve starting with gentle physical activity or something else that your therapist recommends.